Can I install the Web Component for Directory and Resource Administrator on a server not running the Administration Server component?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Yes, the Web Console for Directory and Resource Administrator can be installed independent of the Administration server component, although it must be installed on a Windows 2000 server running Internet Information Service version 5.
To install only the Web Component perform the following steps:
- Run the Setup program for Directory and Resource Administrator on the IIS server.
- Select Begin Install.
- Select the Administrator Server option (Custom Install option if running version 6.02 SP1 or earlier), click Next.
- Select only the Web Component under NetIQ (OnePoint) Administration\NetIQ (OnePoint) Administration Server.
- Click Next.
- Type in the name of the server running the Administration Server service (Active Engine Component).
- Click OK.
For information on how to configure the MMC interface for Directory and Resource Administrator to connect to the desired IIS server, see article NETIQKB303.