How can I maintain ActiveView and Group membership based on attribute values?
How do I create an ActiveView for a specific value of an attribute field?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Many customers would like to create ActiveViews based on the value of a given property. For example, you may want an ActiveView named 'IT Support' containing user accounts that have 'IT Support' for the value of the department property. Currently, Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) does not provide built-in support for this method of defining objects to be managed by an ActiveView. DRA does, however, include automation capabilities that provide a way to create and maintain ActiveViews based on property values.
How can I maintain ActiveView and Group membership based on attribute values?
How do I create an ActiveView for a specific value of an attribute field?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Many customers would like to create ActiveViews based on the value of a given property. For example, you may want an ActiveView named 'IT Support' containing user accounts that have 'IT Support' for the value of the department property. Currently, Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) does not provide built-in support for this method of defining objects to be managed by an ActiveView. DRA does, however, include automation capabilities that provide a way to create and maintain ActiveViews based on property values.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB289