How do I create a Knowledge Script with a specific Performance Monitor Counter? (NETIQKB285)

  • 7700285
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 26-Oct-2010


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


How do I create a Knowledge Script with a specific Performance Monitor Counter?


To create a knowledge script to monitor a specific counter:

  1. Start the AppManager Operator Console.
  2. Go to the General tab in the Knowledge Script Pane.
  3. Select the Counter knowledge script.
  4. Select Copy Knowledge Script from the Action menu.
  5. Type in a name and description for the copied knowledge script. For example, instead of General_Counter, rename the knowledge script to Test_Counter.
  6. Refresh the Operator Console with F5. The Knowledge Script Pane should now have a new tab called Test with the copied knowledge script, Test_Counter.

To set or modify the default values in a knowledge script:

  1. Double-click the knowledge script. This will bring up the Job Properties window.
  2. Select the Values tab.
  3. Enter or change the existing values.
  4. Click OK. This will save these changes as the default values for the knowledge script.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB285