How do I create an ActiveView to manage Shares on computers? (NETIQKB201)

  • 7700201
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How do I create an ActiveView to manage Shares on computers?

How can I manage shares on computers using an ActiveView?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x

Launch the MMC interface while logged on as an Assistant Admin with, at minimum, Built-in Security Role and perform the following steps.

  1. Expand ActiveView management.
  2. Select ActiveViews and click New.
  3. Type in a name for the ActiveView and click Finish.
  4. In the Add Objects dialog box, select Custom rule and click Next.
  5. Select the Include option and click Next.
  6. Select Shares and click Next.
  7. Select In any domain and click Next.
  8. Select Any computer and click Next.
  9. Select All shares and click Next.
  10. Type in a name for this Rule and click Finish.
  11. In the What would you like to do next? dialog box, click Assign Assistant Admins button.
  12. Click the Add users button.
  13. Select a userID, click Add, click OK and click Next.
  14. Select Add Powers.
  15. Expand Shares and select Delete a Share and select Add.

The above is an example of how to create an ActiveView, assign an Assistant Admin, and delegate powers. In the above ActiveView the assigned Assistant Admin can delete any share on any computer in any managed domain.


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Launch the MMC interface while logged on as an Assistant Admin with, at minimum, Built-in Security Role and perform the following steps.

  1. Expand ActiveView management.
  2. Select ActiveViews and click New.
  3. Type in a name for the ActiveView and click Finish.
  4. In the Add Objects dialog box, select Custom rule and click Next.
  5. Select the Include option and click Next.
  6. Select Shares and click Next.
  7. Select In any domain and click Next.
  8. Select Any computer and click Next.
  9. Select All shares and click Next.
  10. Type in a name for this Rule and click Finish.
  11. In the What would you like to do next? dialog box, click Assign Assistant Admins button.
  12. Click the Add users button.
  13. Select a userID, click Add, click OK and click Next.
  14. Select Add Powers.
  15. Expand Shares and select Delete a Share and select Add.

The above is an example of how to create an ActiveView, assign an Assistant Admin, and delegate powers. In the above ActiveView the assigned Assistant Admin can delete any share on any computer in any managed domain.


Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x

The following steps to create an ActiveView must be performed on the primary Directory and Resource Administrator server.

ActiveView Creation

  1. Launch the DRA Delegation and Configuration Console logged on as an Assistant Admin that is a member of the DRA Admins group.
  2. Expand the Delegation Management node.
  3. Select ActiveViews, right click, then select New Active View and left click.
  4. On the Create Active View Wizard, click Next.
  5. On the Rules page, click Add, then select Objects that match a rule.
  6. On the Select Object Type page, select Shares.
  7. On the Specify ActiveView Rule page, under Rule Description, select "any OU," then "specific OU."
  8. Select the OU that will be managed by this ActiveView.  Child OUs are manageable by default.
  9. On the Specify ActiveView Rule, click OK.
  10. On the Rules page, click OK.
  11. Click on Target containers for create operations...
  12. Select the domain or OU in which shares will be managed, then click OK.
  13. On the Rules page, click Add.
  14. On the General page, name the ActiveView.
  15. On the Summary page, make sure the box is checked next to "I want to delegate power over this ActiveView after I finish the wizard," click Finish.
  16. If a warning message is displayed, click OK.
  17. On the Delegation Wizard Welcome page, click Next.
  18. On the Assistant Admins page, click Add.
  19. Choose to add User(s), Groups, or Advanced (Assistant Admin Groups) to specify who you are delegating this ability for.
  20. On the Object Selector page, find the appropriate Users or Groups and Add them.  When fi.
    nished selecting, click OK.
  21. On the Assistant Admins page, click Next.
  22. On the Roles and Powers page, click Add, then click Powers.
  23. On the Select Powers page, type Modify All Share Properties and click Find Now.
  24. Select Modify All Share Properties, click Add, then click OK.
  25. On the Roles and Powers page, click Next.
  26. On the ActiveViews page, verify that the previously created ActiveView name is listed, then click Next.
  27. On the Summary page, click Finish



Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB201