NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
HipLink XS
- Create a new directory off the root of the C: or D: drive called hiplink [or any name you want that does not have a space in it]
- Save the cli.exe and the cmd_config file into the above created directory Your netiqpage.ini file should look like the following [I'm using the c:\hiplink directory as an example below]:
;; sample netiqpage.ini file
;; first %s is target_name [target]
;; second %s is additional parameters [param]
;; third %s is the message
hiplinkxs=c:\hiplink\cli.exe -config_dir c:\hiplink -rcvname %s -msgtype %s -message %s
;; Target Sections
;; BEEP is a receiver/groupTag defined in Hiplink for receiving numeric page
single start_time1=00/00/00 00:00:00
stop_time1=00/00/00 23:59:59
- Make sure your netiqpage.ini file is in the WINNT directory
- Run the following syntax at the command prompt, on the management server [where you have the cli.exe]
netiqpage -n sarah -m test and more test [That should send out a test page for you.]
If that works sucessfully, then what you want to do is drop a job and set it to event and action_page.
Make sure that your netiqpage.ini looks like the above example, and the files are in the correct directory.