Measuring performance in your custom code.

  • 7100008
  • 05-Apr-2013
  • 07-Aug-2013


NetIQ Access Governance Suite


Measuring performance in your custom code.


The NetIQ API has a very simple way to measure performance statistics. These statistics, once your code has been run, are available within debug/meters.jsf. Within your rules or custom Java code add:

					include sailpoint.api.Meter;
					//Begin your code
					Meter.enterByName("A name that will show up in debug/meters.jsf");
					//Do Work
					Meter.exitByName("A name that will show up in debug/meters.jsf");
					//End of your code

This will allow number of calls, minimum execution time, maximum execution time, and average execution time to be calculated and available within the meters debug page (aka Call Timings from the debug menu).