Substring searches fail on any attribute with a DN syntax

  • 7025245
  • 13-Aug-2021
  • 13-Aug-2021


eDirectory 9


Substring searches fail on any attribute with a DN syntax

LDAP error: 18 (Inappropriate matching)

ldap2NDSSearchFilter: substring match used on unsupported syntax                                                              

nds_back_search: ldap2NDSSearchFilter failed with err 18 (0x12)


This is per design.  Only presence and exact searches are supported on attributes with a DN syntax.  For example, the following two search filters are accepted:

- (seealso=*)
- (seealso=cn=jim,o=novell)

This search filter will not be accepted:

- (seealso=*jim*)

Additional Information

Formerly known as 10092520
Formerly known as NOVL96533