Reset a server without redeployment

  • 7025168
  • 21-Jun-2021
  • 23-Jun-2021


Advanced Authentication 6.x


We need to replace an old DB Server/ Web Server with a new one. We do not want to deploy a new virtual machine because this is a responsibility of other IT staff. Can we simply wipe the server's data?


Open the Cluster section in Advanced Authentication Administrative Portal on the Global Master Server and remove the old server that is going to be replaced.

The following steps are to clear up the containers' data:
systemctl stop aauth risk-service
docker-compose -p aaf -f /opt/aauth/docker-compose.yml -f /opt/aauth/docker-compose.sles.yml down -v
docker-compose -p risk -f /opt/risk/docker-compose.risk.yml down -v
systemctl start aauth risk-service

After running the commands, and opening the server URL in browser, you will see a configuration wizard.

Additional Information

If you need to replace the DB Master server of a secondary site, remember, you will need to remove all the servers of the site from the cluster, reset and re-join them to the cluster. 
Alternatively, you can follow the documented instructions to promote a DB Server to a new DB Master server inside the site.