Unable to register appliance in the Configuration Portal

  • 7025125
  • 01-Jun-2021
  • 04-Jun-2021


NetIQ Advanced Authentication 6.3


After logging in to the Configuration Portal (available by port 9443), clicking the Online Update tile, then clicking Register and providing the valid registration data, the updates are not displayed and the registration is still required.


Run the following command in console to register the appliance manually:

suse_register -a regcode-aauth=xxxxx -a email=xxxxx -L /tmp/register.txt

Before executing the command, ensure to replace xxxx with the valid activation key and email address respectively.


It might be a problem when using a proxy server even when the proper configuration is done in yast.

Additional Information

It's strongly recommended not to use the console for other operations that are available on the Configuration Portal.