Changing the Time Configuration in the iPrint Appliance does not appear to work

  • 7025118
  • 21-May-2021
  • 26-May-2021


Micro Focus iPrint Appliance 4.x


When changing the Region and Time Zone in the 9443 interface of the iPrint Appliance, the Time Zone appears the change was not made.  After making the change, the Region and Time Zone still show the original setting.


When making a change to the Region and Time Zone, the change does get written correctly to the system.  You can verify this by executing the 'date' command in the terminal or via an SSH client like putty.exe.  You can also check the /etc/sysconfig/clock file where you will see entries similar to this:
The iPrint appliance reads the TIMEZONE setting for the time configuration.  The DEFAULT_TIMEZONE was configured when the iPrint appliance was initially deployed.  To avoid confusion you can edit the /etc/sysconfig/novell/NvIVAinit file and set the CONFIG_VAINIT_TIMEZONE value equal to the TIMEZONE setting in the clock file.  Although not needed, you can also change the DEFAULT_TIMEZONE in the clock file to match the other settings to be consistent.

Micro Focus is investigating this issue.


The Time Configuration UI in the 9443 interface reads the CONFIG_VAINIT_TIMEZONE setting from the /etc/sysconfig/NvIVAinit file as opposed to the TIMEZONE setting in the /etc/sysconfig/clock file.

Additional Information

This issue has been reported to engineering.