"Connection failed" configuring Advanced Authentication with Filr

  • 7025105
  • 18-May-2021
  • 18-May-2021


Filr 4.x
Advanced Authentication Server


When Configuration NetIQ Advanced Authentication to be used with Filr, and after clicking the Test connection button, the following message is presented:

A Message from Filr...
Connection failed - PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target.


Import the certificate from the Advanced Authentication server to the JVM Certificates store.  This is done by going to https://<address of Filr server>:9443, click the Digital Certificates tile, click File, Import -> Trusted Certificate. Browse to the Advanced Authentication server's certificate file.

Do the same in reverse.  Go to the :9443 tool for the Advanced Authentication server, and import the certificate from the Filr server.

Micro Focus recommends using a trusted third party certificate for both Advanced Authentication and Filr.