CLE does not perform SSPR integrations when AAF Windows Client is installed

  • 7025102
  • 13-May-2021
  • 13-May-2021


Client Login Extension, aka the SSPR Client
CLE 4.3 
Advanced Authentication Client 6.3
Windows workstation


Installing the Advanced Authentication Client on a workstation where CLE (the SSPR Client) is installed breaks CLE advanced functionality. 
The forgotten password link works fine with both AA and CLE clients installed, but
If CLE is configured to check if users have answered their SSPR Challenge questions, it will stop doing so after the Advanced Authentication Client is installed. 


This is working as currently designed.  Fixing this would require an enhancement to the Advanced Authentication Client.  An enhancement request has been entered in the Ideas Portal.  If having this feature is important to you, you can vote for this enhancement here:


The AA credential provider is activated first, and does call the CLE client.  It appears, however, that the AA Client ignores the value returned from CLE.