Error -6016 trying to modify or query a dynamic group

  • 7025101
  • 12-May-2021
  • 12-May-2021




Error -6016 is reported in iManager when trying to modify a dynamic group query. 
Error -6016 is returned by eDirectory when querying LDAP for members of a dynamic group.


Recreate the dynamic group object. If unsure of which queries it was using, open a support case as the queries could be recovered using ndsdump.

If unsure which dynamic group is causing the error, use iMonitor to browse to each dynamic group object and click 'Validate Entry' in the top-left of the window. It will either return the error or "Entry appears to be consistent" if no error is found.


One of the dynamic group queries is searching for a base context that no longer exists. When this happens, the dynamic group's 'memberQuery' attribute appears to become corrupt. This is a known issue.