Identity Manager Driver - Azure
Trying to synchronize a group member added to a group is failing to synchronize.
The following message is received in the remote loader log.
DirXML: [04/14/21 16:34:08.21]: TRACE: Azure AD Driver: ModifyHandler: Filtering out attribute 'Members' for class Group.
The Schema Mapping policy was modified changing the mapping from Member (eDir) to members (azure) to Members (azure). Members is not a valid attribute in Azure, as schema in Azure is case sensitive. Changing the attribute mapping back to the default Member (eDir) to members (Azure) resolved the issue.
The message is indicating that the attribute 'Members' is not a valid attribute in Azure, thus it is being filtered out.
DirXML: [04/14/21 16:34:08.21]: TRACE: Azure AD Driver: ModifyHandler: Filtering out attribute 'Members' for class Group.
If this error is received, the verify the attribute being filtered out is actually a valid attribute in Azure schema. Including the case of the attribute.