Client for Open Enterprise Server (Novell Client) 2 SP5
ZENworks Desktop Management 20.1 Management Agent with FDE component
Windows 10
The option to change the network password via CTRL-ALT-DELETE | Change a password is missing after updating or deploying the ZENworks Desktop Agent to version 20.1 with the Full Disk Encryption (FDE) component enabled.
If Full Disk Encryption is not being used, remove the FDE component from the agent (in ZCC, under 'Agent Features', uncheck 'Installed' for 'Full Disk Encryption'). If FDE is enabled, users will need to change their network password by right clicking the OES client icon in the systray and selecting User Administration for <some tree name> | Password Administration and then clicking the Change Password button.
If the Full Disk Encryption component is included with the ZENworks agent, a change to the credential provider logic is introduced that prevents the OES client's password change mechanism from working when invoked via the CTRL-ALT-DELETE | Change a password method.