Advanced Authentication
AA 6.3.3
System Log Syslog (under the syslog tab) on the AA Admin page, and "Messages" log in downloaded AAF logs show thousands of repeated fluentd buffer full messages:
Problem occurs regardless of whether ot not tisk service is enabled.level=error msg="Failed to log msg \"\" for logger fluentd: fluent#appendBuffer: Buffer full, limit 1048576
Workaround is to enter the following commands on the AA server:
To clear the logs log in to the Administration portal and click Logs > Clearsystemctl stop dockersystemctl start dockerdocker container stop risk_rbahistory_1docker container rm risk_rbahistory_1docker rmi image -f mfsecurity/rba_history:
For more detail see section 2.3 of the release notes for Advanced Authentication 6.3 SP4 Patch 1 at https://www.netiq.com/documentation/advanced-authentication-63/advanced-authentication-releasenotes-6341/data/advanced-authentication-releasenotes-6341.html#t4f8j0c9h403