AA log fills up with thousands of messages

  • 7025071
  • 08-Apr-2021
  • 08-Apr-2021


Advanced Authentication
AA 6.3.3
Risk service not enabled


System Log Syslog (under the syslog tab) on the AA Admin page, and "Messages" log in downloaded AAF logs show thousands of repeated fluentd buffer full messages:

level=error msg="Failed to log msg \"\" for logger fluentd: fluent#appendBuffer: Buffer full, limit 1048576"


Bug report has been entered.

Workaround when Risk Service is not enabled is to run the following  commands on the AA server:

systemctl stop docker
systemctl start docker
docker container rm risk_rbahistory_1 
docker rmi image -f mfsecurity/rba_history:


Reported to Engineering