Advanced Authentication
AA 6.3
The AA 6.3 appliance uses a subnet of 172.17.0.x and 172.18.x.x for the docker network.
In some instances this subnet might already be in use on the network, causing a conflict.
Is it possible to change the subnet/network used for docker?
Change the docker bridge IP to an appropriate address by following the steps below.
1. Modify /etc/docker/daemon.json, "\/16" is desired subnetwork in this example--sed -i 's/"ipv6"/"default-address-pools":[{"base":"\/16","size":20}],\n "ipv6"/' /etc/docker/daemon.json2. Make sure that changes was applied--cat /etc/docker/daemon.json3. Stop AAF/Risk services--systemctl stop risk-servicesystemctl stop aauth4. Restart docker service--systemctl restart docker5. Startup AAF/Risk servicesdocker-compose -f /opt/risk/docker-compose.risk.yml downsystemctl start aauth6. Check network interfaces settings--ifconfig