AAF 6.3.0 Managment Portal disabled after enabling Proxy

  • 7024976
  • 06-Jan-2021
  • 26-Jan-2021


Advanced Authentication 6.3.0


After enabling the proxy settings in configuration console, the configuration console (9443) is not accessible anymore. The service vabase-jetty cannot be started.


Upgrade the appliance to the latest version of Advanced Authentication Framework.

If that is not possible, follow the steps below to re-enable the access to the Management portal.

  1. Open the advance authentication appliance as root
  2. Open vi /etc/sysconfig/proxy
  3. Scroll down to the bottom
  4. Remove spaces in the line NO_PROXY

NO_PROXY=localhost,> NO_PROXY=localhost,

  1. Save - :wq!
  2. Execute: rcvabase-jetty restart
  3. In a minute check status: rcvabase-jetty status, It should show "running"
  4. Open the 9443 portal.