Vibe lucene index server will not start and Vibe users cannot login

  • 7024969
  • 18-Dec-2020
  • 18-Dec-2020


Vibe 4.0.5


Vibe users cannot login to their Vibe accounts, they get the browser error :

"Error, No available node to select for read"

The customer discovered that the Vibe "indexserver.service" process would not load and gives the
error at the terminal of :

#  systemctl start indexserver

Job for indexserver.service failed because the control process exited with error code.  See
"systemctl status indexserver.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

#  systemctl status indexserver

Loaded:  loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/indexserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active:  failed (Result: exit-code) since......

Process:  1838 ExecStart=/opt/novell/teaming/luceneserver/indexserver/bin/indexserver start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Dec 18 16:40:14 Vibe-Server systemd[1] indexserver[1838]: Starting IndexserverService  sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo’?


The customer modified the SLES12 SP4 /etc/sudoers file and ADDED :

Defaults!/opt/novell/teaming/luceneserver/indexserver/ !requiretty
Defaults:root !requiretty

Once this was done and the indexserver process started with : 

   systemctl start indexserver.service
then there was no longer an error at the terminal and the indexserver started
successfully and there was no longer a problem logging into Vibe, for users.


This is unclear, however a detailed explanation is in the URL in the Additional Information section of this document.

Additional Information