MFDC 20.8 & 20.9 Error Importing via Studio

  • 7024967
  • 17-Dec-2020
  • 21-Dec-2020


Desktop Containers (ZENworks Application Virtualization) 20.8
Desktop Containers (ZENworks Application Virtualization) 20.9


There is a problem with MFDC 20.8/20.9 importing applications from the hub via Studio.


Testing v20.11 to be released via PatchBuilder as soon as testing is complete.
Call Support if you need an urgent fix.

Workaround: It works from the command line.

Workaround for users who want to pull via the Turbo Client and import in Studio:
Example MicroSoft Internet Explorer
Download and install the Turbo Client (from if you do not have it already)
Point the client to the Hub:
> turbo config  --hub=
3. Pull the image from the Hub (the namespec is the same as the last bit of the URL and you can optionally specify a version):
>  turbo  pull  namespace/image[:version]
>  turbo pull  microsoft/ie
>  turbo pull  microsoft/ie:8

4. Go to Studio > Advanced (tab) > Import Configuration > select Local Repository > Next

5. Select your image from the list and click Next to continue through the import process. 
If you plan to build a standalone EXE package, it is recommended to select the Import for standalone deployment setting.