How to collect logs for Advanced Authentication

  • 7024957
  • 11-Dec-2020
  • 11-Dec-2020


Advanced Authentication 
AAF 5.x
AA 6.x


How to get logs when requested by Micro Focus Support
How to enable logging for Advanced Authentication Server


To get logs from the Advanced Authentication Server,  do the following:
  1.  Login as an administrative user to the Advanced Authentication Admin portal at
  2.  Select "Logs" from the menu at the left
  3.  Set "Debug Logging" to ON in the bottom right corner
  4.  Duplicate the problem
  5.  Click the "Export" button in the bottom left corner 
  6.  Enter "Start Date" and "End Date" for the period for which logs are desired.  If you were able to successfully duplicate the problem in step 4, just select the current date.  
  7.  Click "Export"
  8.  Under "File Name, double click the newly exported file "aucore-logs....tar.gz"   This will download the file.
  9.  Submit the downloaded file to Micro Focus Support

Additional Information

If debugging was properly enabled, the logs will show the word "Debug" after the date, except for the webauth / osp log which will show "finest."  If "finest" does not show in the webauth / osp log but "debug" shows correctly in the other logs, you may have experienced the problem described in the "Note"  on this page of the online documentation:

 If this is the case, then, as stated in the doc, "Disable the Debug logging and then enable it to reset logging to the FINEST mode again."