ZCM ZooKeeper Vulnerability Qualys ID 38780

  • 7024819
  • 15-Sep-2020
  • 18-Sep-2020


ZENworks Configuration Management 2020 ZooKeeper Database


Failing Vulnerability scan - Qualys ID 38780


ACL's should be set depending on the environment and configuration.
Setting ACL's for the Appliance and Setting ACL's for ZooKeeper on a Windows Server

Steps to set ACL for default ZooKeeper nodes

1. On the Appliance Primary server where zookeeper is installed, go to the /opt/confluent/bin folder.

2. Edit the zookeeper-shell.sh file and add the below line as shown. (check the attached zookeeper-shell.sh file for reference)


exec  $(dirname $0)/kafka-run-class  "-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/etc/opt/novell/zenworks/casa/casa-jaas.conf"  org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeperMain  -server  "$@"

3. Save and Exit

4. Run the command

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/novell/zenworks/share/java

5. Run the command

./zookeeper-shell  localhost:6789

6. Run the command to set ACL on /zookeeper node

 setAcl  /zookeeper  sasl:zen-zkadmin:cdrwa

        7. Run the command to set ACL on /zookeeper/quota node

 setAcl  /zookeeper/quota  sasl:zen-zkadmin:cdrwa

Steps to set ACL for default ZooKeeper nodes on Windows Server
            1. On the Windows Primary which has ZooKeeper configured, download the zookeeper binary from the link -


2. Extract the contents into a folder.

3. From the extracted path go to “extracted_path\apache-zookeeper-3.5.8-bin\bin”

4. Edit the zkcli.cmd file and add the parameters 


call  %JAVA%  "-Dzookeeper.log.dir=%ZOO_LOG_DIR%"  "-Djava.security.auth.login.config=%ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf\casa\casa-jaas.conf"  "-Dzookeeper.root.logger=%ZOO_LOG4J_PROP%" "-Dzookeeper.log.file=%ZOO_LOG_FILE%"  -cp  "%CLASSPATH%"  %ZOOMAIN% %*

       5. Save and Exit

       6. Run the command  

set  JAVA_HOME=%ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\java

        7. Run the command

zkCli.cmd  -server  localhost:6789

8. Run the command to set ACL on /zookeeper node 

setAcl  /zookeeper  sasl:zen-zkadmin:cdrwa

9. Run the command to set ACL on /zookeeper/quota node

setAcl  /zookeeper/quota  sasl:zen-zkadmin:cdrwa


: cdrwa


ACL's need to be set for ZooKeeper

Additional Information

Note: The command getAcl /zookeeper will tell us if the ACL’s are set properly.

getAcl  /zookeeper