Spam and Virus' are no longer getting blocked due to expired or invalid license

  • 7024814
  • 14-Sep-2020
  • 14-Sep-2020


GWAVA (Secure Messaging Gateway)


Spam and virus messages are no longer getting blocked. The smtp log is showing the following error: SMTP interface license expired or invalid.


If the license has expired, then messages will no longer get scanned or blocked. To resolve this a new license pem file will need to be installed in SMG. Most licenses are renewed yearly, therefore this will need to be done after each renewal.

1) Get the validation key from Once logged in go to software | entitled software | click on 'Keys' for the most recent release shown for example:

Copy the key and take note of the description, as that is the product that needs to be selected when registering it.

2) Go to and choose the product listed in the description in step one.

3) Paste the key in the validation key field and click next:

4) Fill out the form, check the boxes and click Next.

5) Click on Download PEM File.

6) Login to the SMG system admin UI and go to System Management | Licensing. Remove expired licenses (or any license this new license will be replacing), by click on the garbage can next to it.

7) Click Add License and browse to the new pem file that was just downloaded and click Install.

The new license should show in the license list with the correct expiration date now.

No restart is needed, scanning should now start working again.


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