Cannot move users to or from 1 particular Post Office

  • 7024725
  • 10-Jul-2020
  • 10-Jul-2020


GroupWise 2014 R2 Support Pack 2
GroupWise 18


The GroupWise administrator noted 2 issues:

1.  They cannot change GroupWise user passwords and have the users successfully login with the GroupWise windows client.  The never see the activity "Successful merge of settings" in the verbose POA log, indicating a password change.

2.  They cannot move GroupWise Users to or from 1 particular Post Office.  The move would never complete or resulted in the POA log error of "ADM: Error: [DB2C] Rename object in post office -  User DOM1.PO1.NEW0001"


It was discovered that in the problem Post Office directory that it contained also the wpdomain.db and wpdomain.dc files ( GroupWise Domain files should not be in a Post Office directory ).  Once it was determined these files and directory could be removed or renamed, and the POA restarted, then the above problems went away.

Having a mixture of GroupWise Domain and Post Office files in 1 directory can cause several administrative action problems.  Unknown as to how these domain files got copied into a Post Office directory.