How To Modify or Change the Name of an eDirectory Server on Linux / OES

  • 7024649
  • 28-May-2020
  • 28-May-2020


eDirectory 8.8.8.x
eDirectory 9.x
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES 11.x, 12.x or 15.x)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL 6.x, 7.x or 8.x)
Open Enterprise Server (OES 11, 2015 or 2018)


Need to rename an NCP Server object (as well as all other related 'eDirectory server' objects) in eDirectory on a Linux / OES server.


The simplest way to rename an eDirectory server hosted on Linux is to use the ndsconfig utility as follows:

1) Confirm the current eDirectory server name by executing the following command [as root]:
ndsconfig get

This lists all current eDirectory configuration variables. Towards the top, you should see:

2) To change/modify the server name, execute the following command:
ndsconfig set n4u.nds.server-name=<new_server_name>

Authenticate using your eDirectory admin (dot-notation; i.e. idvadmin.system)

This command dynamically updates the "nds.conf" file (default location is /etc/opt/novell/eDirectory/conf/nds.conf). If you perform an 'ndsstat' you should see the new/updated server-name listed.

If you would like the associated eDirectory server objects in that same context to reflect the new/updated server name, restart the eDirectory service(s) on that box (ndsmanage stopall && ndsmanage startall) and then run: ndsconfig upgrade

This will recreate your SAS and Key Material Objects (KMO) with the new server name correctly reflected in their names; applications depending on those objects and their names should continue to work.


Cannot rename Linux server object in iManager
Unsure of which additional server objects need to be properly re-named/associated with new server name

Additional Information

Setting many eDirectory server-related variables can be done with this same command (ndsconfig set) but with a different variable specified; 'ndsconfig get' provides a comprehensive list of variables.

CAUTION: Changing these variables may cause problems on your server or in your tree.  Be sure of what you are doing before making any major changes in a production environment.  These settings should all be considered major.

PLEASE NOTE: Source material for this TID comes from former TIDs 10099337 and 10099717