Open Enterprise Server 2018 (OES 2018) SP2 Linux
Micro Focus SMT 1.1
How to upgade SMT from a 32 bit OES11SPx environment to Micro Focus SMT on OES2018 SP2. The documentation found here: https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/subscription-management-tool/smt-1.0/mfsmt/front.html is for upgrading when both systems are 64 bit.
There are two potential resolutions to this issue:
1. Create a backup of smt configuration files and MySQL database in the old smt server then install Micro Focus SMT on new sles12sp4/sp5/oes2018sp2 and restore the database, configuration files, etc. as the server will be retained with mirrored repos, client data etc.
2. Installing and configuring the Micro Focus SMT from scratch with new server. This option is mentioned because there will be a chance of mysqldump getting corrupted/failure during restoration.
NOTE: In both the cases, clients need to be re-registered if CA Certificate or network configurations (.e.g. IP, Hostname etc) are not same as in the old SMT server.
Instructions for option 1 to migrate from SLES11 SMT to Micro Focuse SMT1.1:
NOTE: Considering the amount of repository data (i.e repo file structure, staged repos), no. of channels mirrored or any custom repositions created. It would be feasible to take a backup of repo (“MirrorTo”) structure along with database.
• Create a backup of /etc/smt.conf, /etc/smt.d/* (e.g. smt-cron.conf), /etc/zypp/credentials.d/NCCcredentials and (Optional) If special configuration of apache2 has been done, then make a copy of the modified files (e.g. /etc/apache2/default-server.conf)
• Create a backup of the SMT database using
mysqldump -uroot -p<mysql_root_user_password> smt > /<some_directory>/smt-db-backup.sql
• Based on the factors such as no. of repository mirrored, backup capacity or costs, internet bandwidth constraints and requirements for the restoration of SMT service.
It might be feasible to take a backup of the repository structure (repo/), which is in the directory specified in the MirrorTo parameter in /etc/smt.conf file.
By default, repositories will be mirrored to /srv/www/htdocs/repo/ and everything below
• Perform an installation of Micro Focus Subscription Management Tool, see 2.1 Installation During the Initial Installation Process or 2.2 Installation on Top of an Already Installed System
• After installation is successful, overwrite backup copy of smt.conf to /etc/smt.conf and verify the file owner/group is set to root.www
• Restore the backup copy of the /etc/zypp/credentials.d/NCCcredentials (not required if OES is registered) file and /etc/smt.d/ directory.
• Launch the Micro Focus SMT wizard using YaST > Network Services > Micro Focus SMT Configuration Wizard or using the command yast2 smt-wizard.
Verify the configurations in the wizard, adjust the parameters or options if needed such as option for Open Port in Firewall, Micro Focus Customer Center credentials in User and Password, NCC E-mail Used for Registration and Your SMT Server URL.
Click Next to continue to the second configuration step and verify Database Password for smt User and all e-mail addresses that SMT should send reports. Then click Next.
• If the current MySQL root password is empty as in any freshly installed system, you will be asked to enter a New MySQL Root Password.
• The wizard displays a warning to create a certificate. Click Run CA management button. If CA certificate is already present this won’t be prompted.
• Restore and verify the backup of the SMT database
mysql -uroot -p smt < <path>/smt-db-backup.sql
Enter the password it will load the backup file and return to the prompt. (NOTE: this is the password of the "root" database user, not the linux "root" user)
You can login and verify smt database using mysql -uroot -p<mysql_root_user_password>
• Restore the repository structure backup and verify that the owner/group of /srv/www/htdocs/repo/ is smt.www
If not then set it recursively with
# chown -R smt:www /srv/www/htdocs/repo
• Synchronize data between local database and the Novell Customer Center with
# smt-sync
• Verify the catalogs/repositories enabled for mirroring with
# smt-repos -o
• Start the mirror job to fix or update the database
# smt-mirror -d -L /var/log/smt/smt-mirror.log
• On client machine, follow below steps to re-register the clients to SMT as network configurations are not same as in the old SMT server and/or CA has been newly created.
Execute clientSetup4SMT.sh --host smt-server.example.net (FQDN to your SMT server) to import the CA to the SMT clients and to make the clients to trust the CA.
You can alternatively use the yast2 inst_suse_register module (select Advanced and follow the instructions).
• Execute suse_register -L /root/.suse_register.log to register the client against the SMT server.