Micro Focus Filr 4.2 Appliance Small Deployment
After applying the online update for Filr 4.2, users accessing the Filr web client page receive an HTTP 500 error similar to what is seen below:
HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server ErrorType Exception ReportDescription The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.Exceptionjava.lang.NullPointerExceptionorg.hibernate.cache.impl.bridge.RegionFactoryCacheProviderBridge.nextTimestamp(RegionFactoryCacheProviderBridge.java:93)org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(SessionFactoryImpl.java:637)
org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(SessionFactoryImpl.java:646) org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SessionFactoryUtils.doGetSession(SessionFactoryUtils.java:321)
Users may also see "Service unavailable, try again later" when logging in to the new UI.
The scripts which run to update the server did not complete. See the Additional Information section below.
- In a putty session or at the server terminal, cd to the scripts directory:
- cd /var/adm/update-script
- Execute each script in the following order
- Wait for each script to complete before executing the next script
- ./filr-db-4.2.0-412.1-update-database.sh
- ./vabase-build-keys-15.0.3-4.1-import.sh
- ./web-filr-config-4.2.0-290.1-add-crontab.sh
- ./filr-webapps-4.2.0-269.1-update-server-xml.sh
- ./web-filr-4.2.0-290.1-restart-9443-services.sh
- ./novell-filr-famtd-4.0.0-35.1-famtd-changes.sh
The Online update process failed to run the required update scripts.
Additional Information
After installing the required .RPMs, the online update process runs a series of scripts. You can verify if the scripts ran by checking the /var/log/zypp/history file for the following:
# 2020-04-28 17:37:38 /var/adm/update-scripts/filr-db-4.2.0-412.1-update-database.sh executed
# postgresql
# Starting Liquibase at Tue, 28 Apr 2020 17:38:49 MDT (version 3.6.3 built at 2019-01-29 11:34:48)
# Liquibase: Update has been successful.
# setval
# --------
# (1 row)
# setval
# --------
# (1 row)
# Memcached properties file missing. Exiting.
# 2020-04-28 17:38:51 /var/adm/update-scripts/vabase-build-keys-15.0.3-4.1-import.sh executed
# 2020-04-28 17:38:51 /var/adm/update-scripts/web-filr-config-4.2.0-290.1-add-crontab.sh executed
# 2020-04-28 17:38:51 /var/adm/update-scripts/filr-webapps-4.2.0-269.1-update-server-xml.sh executed
# zone.cfg.xml file already up-to-date. Skipping.
# server.xml is already updated with error valve setting.
# server.xml is already Updated.
# Updating remote_address_valve in server.xml ...
# server.xml is successfully Updated.
# jetty-ssl.xml is already Updated..
# /etc/ssh/sshd_config is already Updated..
# jetty.xml is successfully updated.
# 2020-04-28 17:38:52 /var/adm/update-scripts/web-filr-4.2.0-290.1-restart-9443-services.sh executed
# redirecting to systemctl restart novell-famtd.service
# Tue Apr 28 17:38:52 MDT 2020
# Tue Apr 28 17:38:52 MDT 2020
# JDBC string is already updated.
# boot.local is uptodate. Exiting.
# Kaptcha configuration added successfullyrcfilr st
# vaadmin group created successfully
# 2020-04-28 17:40:25 /var/adm/update-scripts/novell-filr-famtd-4.0.0-35.1-famtd-changes.sh executed
# optarg = Client\\Policies
# value = {FCB72681-D373-11d3-BC08-00A0C9EA53EF}
# type = REG_SZ
# valueName = Default Authentication Provider