GroupWise Web
GroupWise 18.2
After correctly following the instructions for creating a supported
GroupWise environment for GW Web found here,
and pulling the needed components to run the GW Web Docker image,
you are unable to connect to the GW Web page with any browser after
the docker run command completes without errors.
1. Browse to the location of the web.conf file on the server
(you specified its location while using the web-config utility)
2. Open the file with a text editor
3. You should find there are spaces in the name of the
Domain and/or Post Office. Replace those spaces with
underscores, then save the file.
4. Restart the Docker GW Web by running the following
docker stop gwweb
docker run -d -v
web-config Location:/etc/nginx/gw --name gwweb --rm -e
Docker Server Name -e DNS_SERVER=
DNS Server -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v
(Optional) Server Certificate:/certs
(No line break in the command syntax)
5. You should now be able to access the GW Web page in a
Spaces in the Domain or Post office name translate to invalid
characters in the web.conf. A list of illegal characters can
be found in the documentation