GWAVA (Secure Messaging Gateway) 7
How can messages with a certain word in the subject, such as [Delivered], be excluded from the digest reports?
To exclude specific messages with a certain word or phrase in the subject, from digest reports, do the following:
1) Under Organization / Policy Management | Policy Scan configuration | Inbound Mail Filter Policy (or whatever the policy that is being used for inbound mail is named) | Filters - drag down Message Text to the Deployment Workbench. Click ok on the duplicate filter warning, if you get one.2) Click on 'Message Text' and rename it to something like 'no digest subjects'.3) Click on the icon on the left of this new filter node to edit it, check the box next to 'Look in message subject' and add the word or string to be excluded from digests. Click ok.4) From this new filter still, drag the orange dot on the right of the node and drag it to any white space and let go, to see the list of services. Choose 'quarantine control' from under Templates.5) From the quarantine control node, click on the icon on the right to edit it and check the box for 'Disable digest'. Click ok.6) Save changes.
Messages with this subject should now be excluded from digests. There will be an icon next to these which means it will not be included in digests, from this point on.