Failed dependencies novell-edirectory-xdaslog-conf is obsoleted - when installing IDM on OES

  • 7024579
  • 22-Apr-2020
  • 22-Apr-2020


Open Enterprise Server 2018 (OES 2018) Linux
Identity Manager Engine


During the install of the IDM engine, on the console and in "/var/opt/netiq/idm/log/idminstall.log", is the message:

    package novell-AUDTplatformagent-2.0.2-81.x86_64 is already installed
2020-04-22 11:43:01+01:00 : Installing novell-edirectory-xdaslog-conf-*.rpm
Installing novell-edirectory-xdaslog-conf-*.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
    novell-edirectory-xdaslog-conf is obsoleted by (installed) edirectory-oes-xdas-log-conf-9.1.4-9.3.noarch
2020-04-22 11:43:01+01:00 : Installation failed. Check /var/opt/netiq/idm/log/idminstall.log for more details.
Installation failed. Check /var/opt/netiq/idm/log/idminstall.log for more details.
2020-04-22 11:43:01+01:00 : Package installation failed for: /mnt/idm/IDM/packages/common/novell-edirectory-xdaslog-conf-*.rpm
Package installation failed for: /mnt/idm/IDM/packages/common/novell-edirectory-xdaslog-conf-9.1.0-0.noarch.rpm

The installation is halted.


Ensure the file "/etc/OES-brand" exists on the OES server.
If not, create an empty file and retry the IDM install.