Open Enterprise Server 2015 with iPrint for OES
Open Enterprise Server 2018 with iPrint for OES
The iPrint /ipcon authentication fails.
Also, when authenticating with the terminal iprntman command, a Certificate is not trusted! message is returned:
iprintman command:
iprntman psm -lAuthentication required for <server DNS>
Enter user name: admin
The user name provided was found in the following context: o=iPrintApplianceFor future reference, the LDAP distinguished name is the preferable format.(example: cn=admin,ou=unit,o=organization)Authentication required for blr8-116-210.labs.blr.novell.com
Enter your password:
Certificate is not trusted!
1 Subject CN=blr8-116-210.labs.blr.novell.com
Issuer CN=blr8-116-210.labs.blr.novell.com
md5 ca 07 e6 b8 80 e5 6c f3 bd c8 2e d0 bb 8f 9c 67
Do you wish to proceed?(Y/N
Follow the steps outlined in the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION section of this TID. Share the /var/opt/novell/log/iprintmgmt/iprintman0.log file with Mico Focus Support.
If the hostname of the server and the certificate CN name are different, then ipcon may fail to login.
Additional Information
Enable debug logging for the /var/opt/novell/log/iprintmgmt/iprintman0.log file by pasting the following string of commands into a terminal session, like putty:
cp /opt/novell/iprintmgmt/lib/Logger.properties /opt/novell/iprintmgmt/lib/Logger.original;sed -i '0,/WARNING/s/WARNING/INFO/' /opt/novell/iprintmgmt/lib/Logger.properties;mv /var/opt/novell/log/iprintmgmt/iprintman0.log /var/opt/novell/log/iprintmgmt/iprintman0.old;rm /root/iPrintman.keystoreRun this command:
iprntman psm -l --log-level INFO
Provide the admin credentials. Accept the certificate.
If the Print Manager does not show after accepting the certificate, then there is likely a certificate problem which needs to be resolved. Share the /var/opt/novell/log/iprintmgmt/iprintman0.log with Micro Focus Support.
Once the debug log is shared with Micro Focus Support, turn debugging off by pasting the following command into a terminal session:
sed -i 's/INFO/WARNING/g' /opt/novell/iprintmgmt/lib/Logger.properties