ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 4 Remote
ZENworks Configuration Management 2020 Remote Management
ZENworks Configuration Management 2020 Remote Management
While remote controlling a device using ZENworks Remote
Control, the mouse pointer displayed in the remote control windows
may not correspond with the exact location of the mouse pointer on
the remote device.
This is primarily seen when Windows 10 is not using default
scaling, but the issue does not always occur even in such
Restarting the "Novell ZENworks Remote Management powered by VNC"
("nzwinvnc"), while the user is logged in, will resolve the issue
since this allows the service to read the user's scaling
Additional Information
Note: The following registry key often permanently resolves it
on devices that show the issue. The value below is not
specific to any given scaling percentage.
This sets a "Default" value for the SYSTEM profile to allow
the service to start with more appropriate values.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]"DpiScalingVer"=dword:00001000
Note: There are a myriad of scaling configurations possible in
Windows 10, so while the value above has worked well for many it
may not be universally beneficial under all conditions. If it
is not helpful, a value that corresponds to what is found in the
user's profile in the same location could be tried.