With Extra! versions 9.5.1033 ( and earlier, when HLLAPI short names were configured for “Shared among all users,” the HLLAPI Short name associations were stored in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Attachmate\EXTRA!\WorkstationUser\ConfiguredSessions. The problem is, with Windows 8 and later, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is locked down for most users so the value is not saved.
With Extra! 9.5.1042 and later, when a user configures HLLAPI short names for “Shared among all users,” the HLLAPI Short name associations are now stored to a public file in C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Micro Focus\EXTRA!\sessions.cfg.
If a second user to the machine creates a new Extra! configuration file or opens an existing configuration file when configuring HLLAPI short name if “Shared among all users” is selected, Extra! will read the contents C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Micro Focus\EXTRA!\sessions.cfg and display the HLLAPI configuration.