Reflection Desktop (including Pro, for X, for IBM, or for UNIX and OpenVMS) 16.2 or higher
VBA SharedMacros cannot be launched from the Run Macro dialog. These SharedMacros are visible in the VBA Editor and can be run from there, but the same macros can’t be seen in the Run Macro dialog.
Create the SharedMacros.RD3X file from a new session file in Reflection Desktop 16.2 and add in the VBA code needed to this new file.
Alternatively, the "Project" and "ProjectLegacy" sections in the Reflection Desktop 16.1 and earlier files can be renamed to match the new naming conventions of Reflection Desktop 16.2 to allow it to work.
Shared Macro support was added with Reflection Desktop 16.2 and later. This particular issue occurs when trying to use a Reflection Desktop 16.1 host session file (.RD3X, .RD5X, .RDOX) as the basis for a SharedMacros.RD3X file. The SharedMacros.RD3X file created with Reflection Desktop 16.1 will have Project sections in the file that start with the name "Project" or "ProjectLegacy". Starting with Reflection Desktop 16.2, the names of the "Project" or "ProjectLegacy" sections are now changed and saved as the name of the actual host session file. If using a host session file from Reflection Desktop 16.1, the "Project" section names are incorrect for use with Reflection Desktop 16.2 and the SharedMacro section is not recognized to be used by the Macro dialog.
Additional Information
For more information about shared VBA macros, see KB 7021399.