- Access Manager 4.4.x
- Access Manager 4.5
- Access Manager 4.5.1
- Access Manager IDP server has been configure to use Advanced Authentication with OAuth
- Authentication Contract / Method has been configured to use the Advanced Authentication Generic Class
- Authentication Method uses "LDAP Password Only" for testing
- Login to IDP server works without any problems
- Logout from the IDP server seems to run as well (all IDP session cookies are cleared)
- running a new login does not requests any user credentials and the user seems to get logged in automatically
- This issue has been addressed to engineering
- As a workaround to force the logout at the Advanced Authentication Server you can modify the "/opt/novell/nids/lib/webapp/jsp/logoutSuccess.jsp_latest" by adding:
<iframe id="remoteContent" src="https://aaf-url/osp/a/TOP/auth/app/logout" WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0 frameborder=0></iframe> - If the change has been done correctly you will see the browser client will call the AA logout URL