Identify the Appliance Online Update
Depending on the appliance the
regcode is different “regcode-zenworks-appliance”
To find the correct regcode at the
server command prompt:
cat /etc/Novell-VA-release |
grep regcode
Access to the certs is critical
Option 1:
-Copy valid CA Cert from previous appliance to new appliance
Location: /etc/ssl/certs
At the Appliance Server command prompt, run: c_rchash
Option 2:
Command to create the cert with OpenSSL
true | openssl s_client –connect secure-www.novell.com:443 –showcerts > /tmp/www-novell-com-ca-certs.pem
Copy cert to /etc/ssl/certs
Example: www-novell-com-ca-certs.pem
Appliance Server command prompt, run: c_rchash
Online Update Registration
Register Online Updates Create
ZRS Server command prompt and
execute the suse_register command manually
/usr/bin/perl –w /usr/bin/suse_register –d 3 –a
email=<email address> -a regcode-zenworks-appliance=<activation
code> -L <log file path>
Online Update UnRegister
Likewise the command to unregister the appliance from NCC
/usr/bin/perl –w /usr/bin/suse_register –E
This type of proxy presents it's own certificate for SSL communication.
The CA for this certificate was not trusted by the appliance.
Thus, the handshake fails.
Additional Information