Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux
Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux
After performing some work -- adding replicas to other servers and moving the CA to another host, trying to access iManager on the original server would return a 503 error. The following was also observed:
- rcnovell-tomcat6 status would return "dead"
- restarting tomcat, rcnovell-tomcat6 start, would yield a message:
lock file found but no process running for pid XXXX, continuing
where XXXX is a process ID number.
- stop tomcat (rcnovell-tomcat6 stop)
- remove the file /var/run/novell-tomcat6.pid
- start tomcat (rcnovell-tomcat6 start)
The tomcat PID file was stuck and needed to be manually removed.
Additional Information
The following trouble shooting steps were taken:
- restarted tomcat (rcnovell-tomcat6 restart)