eDirectory 9
Creating indexes in eDirectory greatly increases the speed with which commonly searched attribute values can be returned via LDAP searches. However, this benefit comes with a cost. There is the overhead of maintaining the index, the additional memory consumed as well as an increase in overall dib size.
It is the later that many customers first notice and is the focus of this TID.
Indexes, whether system or user created, move the attribute values that are to be indexed from the entry's container to its own attribute container with a link back to the entry.
Below are some sample numbers from dibs ranging from 24,000 to 1 million objects and the additional disk space required for both simple and compound indexes using a value index. It is our hope that these numbers from our own testing can be extrapolated to larger environments to help customers with their resource planning.
Additional Information
of objects Simple: attribute size = 200 characters Simple: attribute size = 20 characters Compound: attribute size = 200 characters each 23k 3MB 24KB 7MB 47k 6MB 50KB 15MB 0.5
million 55MB 4MB 100MB 1
million 111MB 9MB 210MB