Open Enterprise Server 2015 (OES 2015) Linux Support Pack 1
Open Enterprise Server 2018 (OES 2018) Linux
Domain Services for Windows (DSfW)
When running 'xadcntrl validate' or 'wbinfo -i <username>' the following error is displayed: WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND.
Clear the samba and winbind caches using the following procedure:
- Stop the nmb, winbind, and smb services:
# systemctl stop nmb.service
# systemctl stop winbind.service
# systemctl stop smb.service
- Clear the samba cache:
# net cache flush
- Delete the winbind cache files:
# rm -f /var/lib/samba/*.tdb
- In order, start the nmb, winbind, and smb services.
# systemctl start nmb.service
# systemctl start winbind.service
# systemctl start smb.service