Identity Manager 4.8
Identity Designer 4.8 for MacOS
MacOS 10.15
After installing Designer 4.8 on MacOS 10.15 the following error is received trying to launch Identity Designer 4.8:
"The Designer executable launcher
was unable to locate its companion shared library."
Quarantine attributes have been placed on Designer. You must clear the quarantine attributes before designer will launch.
To clear the quarantine, open the terminal on Mac and execute the commands:
# xattr <path where Designer.app is installed>
Example: # xattr /Applications/Designer/Designer.app
# spctl --assess --verbose=4 --type execute <path where Designer.app is installed>
Example: # spctl --assess --verbose=4 --type execute /Applications/Designer/Designer.app
# xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine <path where Designer.app is installed>
Example: # xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Designer/Designer.app
See Section 21.16 Unable to Launch Designer Application on Mac in the NetIQ Designer for Identity Manager Administration Guide
Because Designer was not downloaded from the App Store and is not from an identified developer, the MacOS can place quarantine attributes on Designer, which can prevent it from launching.
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