Service Desk 7.5 NSD Operations
Service Desk 8.0 NSD Operations
Service Desk 8.1 NSD Operations
Service Desk 8.1.1 NSD Operations
Service Desk 8.0 NSD Operations
Service Desk 8.1 NSD Operations
Service Desk 8.1.1 NSD Operations
- Created 2 Release workflows
- Created a Release request using the first workflow
- Created a Deployment and Deployment Task under the Release request
- Changed the workflow of the Release request to the second workflow
- Followed the process for the Release to reach the Deploy state
- Deployment Task status cannot be changed
- The Status dropdown is grayed out
- Navigate to the Deployment
- Click Edit on the Deployment
- Save the Deployment with no change
After the workaround, the Deployment Task should be in Open
state. A user should be able to change the Deployment Task.