Mail not flowing after new license was added

  • 7024192
  • 19-Oct-2019
  • 19-Oct-2019


GWAVA (Secure Messaging Gateway) 6.5


Mail has stopped flowing after a new license was added.


If a license was added to GWAVA 6.5 that is for another product such as SMG (GWAVA 7) , Reload or Retain etc mail will stop flowing. A license that isn't supported by GWAVA 6.5 will cause the gwava module to crash when it's trying to look up the license.

To find out if this is what happened check the following:

1) Go to a prompt on the server and type: rcgwavaman status

If the gwava module shows 'missing' in red, that means it is not running and most likely crashed.

2) Check the gwava support log to see if the last thing it did before crashing was look up the license. The log is located in /opt/beginfinite/gwava/services/logs/gwava/support. If it crashed because of an invalid license, the last few lines will look like this:

To resolve this do the following:

1) Login to System Management | System Management | Licensing and remove ALL invalid licenses from under both 'Installed Licenses' as well as 'License files stored on this server'.

2) Upload the correct license pem file for GWAVA 6.5 by clicking on Browse, selecting the file and then click Install.

3) Start the gwava module back up by going back to the prompt and typing: rcgwavaman start gwava
Run "rcgwavaman status" again, it should show it is all up and running again and mail should start flowing.