Access Manager 4.4
The following errors are seen when accessing classes or methods configuration in iManager.
“Exception processing local\AuthenticationClassesPage.jsp”
“Exception processing local\AuthenticationMethodsPage.jsp”
Access Manager is performing normally for all other functions but it is not possible to modify classes or methods.
Use iMonitor to examine the Access Manager class and and method objects on the Admin Console.
These can be found by using the iMonitor search button and doing a sub-tree search of the NAM_TREE.
Do one search for Base Class of nidsAuthMethod and another search for Base Class of nidsAuthClass.
This will show the eDirectory objects that correspond to the classes and methods configured for Access Manager.
Each method should have an attribute pointing to a valid nidsAuthClassDN. Most likely one of these is missing.
Use an ldif tool to update this attribute with the correct value. The value can be copied from a working instance of Access Manager (taking care to update the DN to the correct cluster and object name) or delete the object and recreate it with iManager. Once the corrupted object is deleted, you will be able to access classes and methods in iManager.
This happens when classes or methods are being configured in iManager. In some cases it seems it is possible to create and modify a method so that it is not attached to a class.
This scenario is very uncommon and it has not been possible to reproduce on demand.