Filr 4
Xen Hypervisor
After upgrading to Filr 4, when attempting to register (Path: Port 9443 Appliance Console > Online Update icon > Register tab) using Service type "Micro Focus Customer Center" and entering the correct email and activation key values, upon pressing the "Register" button, an error is seen:
An error occurred while communicating with the server, would you like to see the details?
Upon pressing the "Yes" button, an error is displayed such as:
RPC Stack Trace
Error: /usr/bin/suse_register -E failed with a return code of 12.
Check for the existence of the /etc/sysconfig/clock file. If it does not exist, do one of the following:
1. (Preferred) Go to Port 9443 Appliance Console > Time icon and make some change to time zone, then change it back. This should trigger creation of the clock file. When that file exists, retry the online update registration.
2. Manually create the /etc/sysconfig/clock file with contents such as:
Adjust the timezone as appropriate. The time zone of the appliance can be found in /etc/sysconfig/novell/NvlVAinit, such as:
(See also: complete List of tz database time zones)
The /etc/sysconfig/clock file was not created.
The suse_register debug log contained this error:
2019-09-30 11:03:22 SUSE::SRPrivate - [error] Cannot open file /etc/sysconfig/clock: No such file or directory
2019-09-30 11:03:22 SUSE::SRPrivate - [error] (12)
To generate the suse_register debug log, change to /usr/bin and execute this command:
suse_register -d 3 -a regcode-sles=<your_registration_code> -a email=<your_email_address> -L suse_register-d3.log
After executing the above command and duplicating the problem, the suse_register-d3.log will be found in the /usr/bin subdirectory.