SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
GroupWise Mobility Service 18
GroupWise Mobility Service 18
When I install the DSAPP utility that works with GroupWise Moblity 18, and I try to start it I get an error and it will not
start on SLES15 SP1.
Go to Yast, Software Managment, search for "python2-rpm". When the Yast install of this library completes, you now should be able to run /opt/novell/datasync/tools/dsapp/dsapp.sh without an error.
The DSAPP utility , on SLES15 SP1, did not have access to a needed python library. This library s not installed by
default on this service patch level of SLES15.
Additional Information
The error received is :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/novell/datasync/tools/dsapp/dsapp.py", line 131, in <module>
import dsapp_Definitions as ds
File "/opt/novell/datasync/tools/dsapp/lib/dsapp_Definitions.py", line 11, in <module>
import subprocess,socket,re,rpm,contextlib
ImportError: No module named rpm