Micro Focus iPrint Appliance 4.x
Open Enterprise Server 2015 or 2018 with iPrint for OES installed
With iPrint Appliance 4.x and while trying to access the Printers list with the Management Console tool (https://ip or dns:9443), an RPC Communication Error is returned.
With OES 2015 or 2018 with iPrint for OES installed and while attempting to log into the /ipcon page, a Login Failed message is returned.
For both the iPrint Appliance and OES, the following symptoms are also seen:
The iPrint Portal page (https://ip or dns/iprint) shows a blank list of printers.
The /var/opt/novell/log/iprintmobile/iprint_mobile0.log file shows the following error:
Wrong user/password to [connect] to the remote OrientDB Server instance
- Apply the October 2019 update
- For OES 2018 servers, paste the following string into a terminal session:
- sh /opt/novell/iprintmobile/bin/db_util.sh --repair
- For iPrint Appliance, paste the following string into a terminal session:
- rm /usr/share/orientdb/bin/serverconfigured;sh /opt/novell/iprintmobile/bin/db_util.sh --repair;rcnovell-iprint-mobile restart
- The log for the script is /var/opt/novell/log/iprintmobile/db_util.log
Additional Information
iPrint Appliance Admin Password Change:
If the error in iprint_mobile0.log shows the following:javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - NDS error: failed authentication (-669)]Then the cause and resolution are different. The cause is that the eDirectory admin user was changed using iManager. The iPrint Appliance requires the admin user password change using a script that is run at a terminal session. The steps to follow are:
- Run this command within a terminal session while logged in as root:
- sh /opt/novell/bin/iprint_edir_change_passwd.sh
- Change the admin password back to the previous password.
- Run the script again and change the admin password to the desired new password.
- The ipcon login should work and the iPrint Management Console should list printers.
LDAP Configuration Problem:
If the /var/log/apache/error_log shows this:[DATE] [proxy:error] [pid 7252] (111)Connection refused: AH00957: AJP: attempt to connect to (localhost) failed
[DATE] [proxy_ajp:error] [pid 7252] [client] AH00896: failed to make connection to backend: localhost, referer:
Then look in the /etc/opt/novell/iprintmobile/conf/iprintmobile.conf for the erroneous values of 1389 and 1636.ldap_port=1389The correct values should be 389 and 636. Restart Apache (rcapache2 restart) for the change to take effect.