GroupWise Mobility Service 2014 R2
GroupWise Mobility Service 18
GroupWise Mobility Service 18
You have older GMS 2014/R2 running on old SLES11 server and plan to
upgrade this to GMS 18.1.x.
If you have this setup on some VMware, then stop GMS services,
PSQL and make a snapshot for a recovery if something goes
Following steps bellow in order as they are listed is
essential. Failing to run any of them, skipping, would lead into
damaging present GMS system very often beyond a repair
As a first step run pgupdate script (pgUpdate) located in /opt/novell/datasync directory. Once this is done,
verify that all still can be started and it works.You can verify
what PSQL version is GMS using via login into PSQL
psql -U datasync_user mobility
and that would display a PSQL version info.
Once this step succeeds, do in-place upgrade of SLES11 into
SLES12 SP4. You must register new server with SCC to get access to online repositories via SuSE channels. Some
python files are needed from there during upgrade of GMS process.
After that again verify that all can be started still and is
working fine.
Now is the time you can upgrade GMS part. Use GMS 18.1.1.
either official build or ask Support Center to get newer ISO image.
Use then this ISO image file on your SLES12 server for upgrade
If you had problems with GMS2014, it might be perhaps better
to build a new SLES12 SP4 server and get new GMS 18.1.x installed
to start with instead of dragging old info from already partly
broken or unreliable GMS2014 system.
Note please, GMS is not designed for any fault tolerance
approach. This means you shall preferably not have the same user on
old and new GMS servers whilst both are running. If you plan some
transient state between old and new GMS servers, first delete the
user from old GMS server prior you add this user to a new GMS
server. This is very essential step to clear old GMS information
from a GW user database, within GWEvent Container section.
You need to delete users from old GMS servers to clear this
part of GW user databases. Otherwise a POA will still pretend to
contact old GMS server and would keep on failing.