GWAVA (Secure Messaging Gateway) 7
What needs to be done to change the port the QMS uses, for releasing messages, adding to whitelists/blacklists from the digest?
SMG uses port 80 by default, if a different port is needed, that can be changed by doing the following:
1. From a prompt on the SMG server, switch to root access by typing: sudo su2. Type in the password for the gwava user3. Change directories to /etc/apache2, by typing: cd /etc/apache24. Edit ports.conf by typing: vi ports.conf5. Hit the INSERT key6. Add a line to enable listening on port 49285 (or the desired port) by typing: Listen 49285 below the line that has: Listen 80. See example:
7. Save the changes by hitting ESC, type :wq8. Edit apache2.conf by typing: vi apache2.conf9. Hit the INSERT key10. Add this section to the bottom of the file (change 49285 to the desired port):<VirtualHost *:49285>
<Directory /opt/gwava/qms/http/>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride all
Require all granted
</VirtualHost>11. Save the changes by hitting ESC, type :wq12. Restart apache by typing: service apache2 restart13. Configure QMS to use the new port by logging in to the QMS | Digest | Settings | Custom digest action address and add the server and port. For example: http://hostname:49285 or http://serverIP:4928514. Save changes.
Releasing, blacklisting, and whitelisting from the digests should now be work on the desired port that was set up, for this example it was 49285.