ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 4
How to find all bundles that use credential vault. Or how to find bundles that consume a credential vault credential that has been deleted.
To view all bundles that use credential vault credential:
select *
from zzenobject
where zuid in (select actionsetobject
from zactionset
where id in (select actionset
from zaction
where data like '%credential%'));
If a crential is deleted before fixing the bundles that use it, the appdata information for the bundle will still point to the guid of the deleted credential. For the case of a credential vault credential was deleted, it is necessary to find the bundles that used this credential to change them. Find the guid of the invalid credential (see log error in Additional Information section of this TID) and change the query above to:
select *
from zzenobject
where zuid in (select actionsetobject
from zactionset
where id in (select actionset
from zaction
where data like '%guid%'));
where guid is the invalid guid identified by logs.
APPDATA files on agent contain guid of deleted credential until the bundles are fixed to point to new credential.
Additional Information
ERROR (from services-messages.log on the primary server):
[TRACE] [05/02/2019 07:24:53.592] [1615] [ZENService] [106] [] [Credential Service] [] [getCredentials: Got a request for UID.1b49df8f2b5ff5eb64d1cd9cabd6bd9f] [] [] [] [ZENServer]
[TRACE] [05/02/2019 07:24:53.595] [1615] [ZENService] [106] [] [Credential Service] [] [getCredentials: Error retrieving credentials.] [] [] [] [ZENServer]
[TRACE] [05/02/2019 07:24:53.596] [1615] [ZENService] [106] [] [Credential Service] [] [com.novell.zenworks.datamodel.exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException: 1b49df8f2b5ff5eb64d1cd9cabd6bd9f